Monday, 17 August 2015

Sample paper Product design 2

Time :3 Hours]                                                                           [Max. Marks :100

Instructions to the candidates:-

1)            Answer 3 questions from section -1 and 3 questions from section - II.

2)            Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.

3)             Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

4)             Pigures to the right indicate full marks.

5)             Use of electronic & pocket calculator is allowed.

6)            Assume suitable data, if necessary.


QIA a) Explain Bathtub curve for reliability indicating all its regions. Also explain how failure rates can be reduced in different regions of bathtub curve. [8]

b)            Explain the terms MTBF 8 MTTF.                                                        [4]

c)             Classify electronics products and specify approximate cost, performance ratio, reliability and temp range for each category.                                                         [6]


Q2) a) What are the different product approvals required while developing a product? [4]

         b)            What is exponential law of reliability? How to improve reliability of electronic product?                                                                                                                      [8]


Q3) a) What are the different factors, affecting on selection of ADC 8 DAC? [8]

b) Design data acquisition system for any suitable application.                          [8]


Q4) a) Explain Instrumentation amplifier with different specification?                      [8]

b) Explain Different parameters of OpAmp while selecting it for signal conditioning applications?                                                                                              [8]

Q5) a) What are the different touch screen technologies? Explain each technology in short? Which type of touch screen is more popular 8 why? [10]

b) What are different factors for selecting a particular micro controller for given application?                                                                                                [6]


Q6) a) What are different buses 8 Protocols used in electronic systems? Also mention their advantages 8 limitation leading to choice of particular bus for given application?      [10]

b) What are different LED configurations? Give suitable example for same. [6]


Q7) a) Mention factors affecting choice between assembly 8 high levelLanguage?                                                                                                           [6]

b) Explain different software debugging techniques.                                         [10]


Q8) a) Give some details of documentation practices 8 templates for Assembly 8 C language?   [8]

b) What is the necessity of hardware test program? Give some examples of hardware test programs.                                                                                            [8]

Q9) a) Give overviews of different EMI-EMC standards related to conducted emissions, radiated emissions and susceptibility to radiation.                                                      [8]

b) Explain different design consideration while designing PCB for high speed digital circuits?                                                                                                      [8]


QIO) a) Explain the precautions to be taken to minimize interference to other circuits 8 components while designing a mixed signal circuits (analog + digital)?                       [8]


b) A parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance c = s OerA/d. Find the area (A) required to form a 2.2 pf to form capacitance if d of the plate separate is 11.6mm (a typical PCB thickness) & e r for PCB laminate is about 6. [8]

Qll)a) Explain selection criteria of frequency bands in various applications. Also mention reason for selecting particular band for particular application. [10]

b) Explain detail working of any one type of PLL.                            [8]


Ql2)a) What is communication link analysis? Explain various sources of signal loss and noise. [8]

b) Write a short note on:                                                                       [10]

i)             Equalizer.

ii)           Interleaver.


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